Headline of the Day

Imagine, for a moment, that the night of November 3rd, 2020, had gone a bit differently, with the circumstances reversed.

Imagine that the media was champing at the bit to call several states early for Trump, while refusing to call those states in which Biden was comfortably winning, giving the false perception of the comfortable lead that had been suggested by months of Trump’s leading the polls. Then, imagine it had become clear that Joe Biden was surging to a comfortable lead in several closely contested swing states. Now imagine that, after having stopped the counting of legal ballots in those states (due to the lateness of the hour and logistical challenges, we are told), hundreds of thousands of ballots mysteriously appeared in these states, and counted behind the curtain, with limited Democrat oversight, thus shifting the tide in Trump’s favor by the next day.

You don’t have to ponder that scenario long before concluding that the Democrats and the media would be claiming that the outcome of that election is illegitimate, and calling for investigations at the highest levels to audit the results, ensuring that each and every vote was verified as having been legally cast, with appropriate registration, postmark dates, signatures, etc.

I don’t think it’s possible to understate the following assertion: If it is proven that Democratic Party operatives illegally introduced hundreds of thousands of illegitimate ballots in order to swing an election in their Party’s favor, it will have been the single most dangerous crime in modern American history.

What are we talking about here, after all? We aren’t just talking about the oftentimes phantom “voter suppression” that Democrats notoriously peddle, suggesting that requiring a photo ID or having to stand in line to vote amounts to it.

(Excerpt) Read more at:
