Headline of the Day

ALABAMA, November 4, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Republican Tommy Tuberville unseated pro-abortion Democrat Senator Doug Jones in Alabama on Tuesday, a major win for pro-lifers.

The affectionate “Coach” moniker refers to Tuberville’s former career as a college football coach. Tuberville is the only coach in Auburn University football history to beat rival University of Alabama six times in a row. College football is a huge part of the state’s culture.

The southern state is generally very pro-life. When former Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) resigned to become Attorney General, he was replaced by Senator Doug Jones in a close special election in 2017.

But some constituents felt he was not the right guy for the job.

Kim Marvin is a mom of six and neonatal nurse in Alabaster, Alabama. She praised God when she heard Jones was unseated.

“He does not represent the constituency and today we affirmed that,” she told LifeSiteNews. “He was the first Democrat to be elected to the Senate [for Alabama] in 25 years. Alabamians were betrayed by Jones. He did not represent the will of the people for life. Today we made our voices heard. We voted to protect life and to protect our Second Amendment rights.”

Senator Jones voted against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would have banned most late-term abortions.

Last winter Jones insulted a constituent when he was asked if he believed abortion should be banned after five months. Jones quipped that it was a “stupid question.”
