California governor Gavin Newsom’s recent ridiculous Thanksgiving edicts call for gatherings to be restricted to only three households and held outside. Masks are to be worn before and after eating and between bites. No singing or chanting is allowed and the meal is to last no longer than two hours. These are just a few of the restrictions dreamed up to slow the spread of the Wuhan virus. What these arbitrary proclamations illustrate is the mind of a power-hungry dictator.
Under the pretense of keeping people safe, governors like Newsom, Andrew Cuomo, J.B. Pritzker, Jay Inslee, Kate Brown, Gretchen Whitmer, and Tom Wolf have curtailed the freedoms of Americans — and not just Americans, but the voters who elected these hack politicians in good faith to serve the people. Democrat governors and mayors have taken the Wuhan virus, along with the rioting and looting, and leveraged it into power that they will not easily relinquish if their behavior up to now is any indication.
They are long past fooling people with their faux compassion. You can pull the wool over Americans’ eyes for only so long before they become wise to you. Americans can tell when an elected official has their best interest at heart (which is why President Trump has a huge bond with his base) and when he doesn’t. The people who live in the states affected by these wannabe dictators have had enough and are starting to rebel.
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