Headline of the Day

The repair shop where Hunter Biden left his laptop made a copy before turning it over to the FBI. After a year or so of inaction on the part of the FBI, the copies were given to Giuliani. Rudy Giuliani talked about “sensitive” material on the laptop of Hunter Biden including “numerous pictures” of underage girls and an alleged text message exchange he had with his father where he admits to a relationship with a 14-year-old girl and creating an unsafe environment for his children.

The former New York City mayor said he turned the laptop over to police in Delaware with Bernard Kerik because he felt “uncomfortable” with it in his possession in an interview Monday with Newsmax TV’s Greg Kelly. Video below:


Steve Bannon, who has examined the laptop, spoke about the very clear national security implications of this uncomfortable and explosive situation: “This shocking development demands that the President call in FBI Director Wray immediately to explain how that agency suppressed the information on Binden’s hard drive for almost a year. If Wray cannot explain himself, he should be summarily fired in front of the Resolute Desk. This is now a national security crisis driven by the craven behavior of the Bidens. A storm is gathering around Biden’s campaign and no gang of Silicon Valley social media oligarchs can shield them from their fate.”

But according to an unnamed police source, the Delaware police confirmed the existence of child pornography on Hunter’s laptop but the lefties Attorney General Kathy Jennings turned over the laptop back into the hands of the FBI.

Delaware Senate candidate Lauren Witzke wrote on Twitter last night:

The laptop/hard drive was turned over yesterday to the New Castle County PD. That is because New Castle County PD have jurisdiction over the Biden family. According to our police source, that police department CONFIRMED that the laptop contained child pornography. The laptop was then turned over to leftist Delaware Attorney Kathy Jennings, who turned it over to the FBI Wilmington office, so it’s now back in the hands of the FBI.

That is what we know so far.

Should have turned it over to the US Marshals service. They have special teams in certain areas all over the country that deals specifically with crimes against children. This way the case is back where it all started.
