Headline of the Day

After almost three years at the helm of Richmond’s public schools Superintendent Jason Kamras, a one-time education adviser to Barack Obama and devotee of Marxist professor Cornel West, has emerged as something much worse than an incompetent liberal do-gooder lording his Princeton and Harvard degrees over unsuspecting inner city black kids.

Kamras is a full-blown, far-left extremist spreading the poisonous teachings of Black Lives Matter and promoting Democrat policies which have led to some of the lowest proficiency test scores in the state.

Twenty-two out of 44 schools in his district are not fully accredited, one out of four students drop out before graduating high school and school buildings are badly in need of renovation or demolition, whichever comes first.

So, who and what does Kamras blame for the dismal conditions of city schools? Racism (naturally), to be followed by, wealthy suburban people, inequity, lack of funding, and in one laughable case, President Trump’s adversarial relationship with China.

The China excuse came about in June from an apparent shortage of laptops for students attending Richmond, Virginia’s COVID-19 virtual public schools. In an August email to faculty and staff, Superintendent Kamras essentially blamed tensions with China created by President Trump as the cause of the problem. The Virginia Star reported that Mike Dickinson, a candidate for Richmond’s 1st Council District, was sent the email and others from an RPS employee.

According to Kamras, he had anticipated the need for 10,000 additional laptops in June but, he wrote,

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