Headline of the Day

During the usual handoff banter between Chris “Fredo” Cuomo (PrimeTime) and Don Lemon (CNN Tonight) on Tuesday, the former flashed his penchant for physical violence when he said he wanted to “choke” and “punch” his critics at the Fox News Channel. “What could have set him off,” you might ask. Well, earlier that evening, FNC host Tucker Carlson again exposed Fredo going maskless while not social distancing in public. One could even say he was a hypocrite.

Cuomo’s roid-rage flashed when Lemon asked him about the right way to deal with his “detractors” over on “state television,” the not so clever nickname CNN has for their higher-rated competitor. “Naked choke,” he blurted out. “A punch to the sternum.” Lemon said it was best to just ignore them.

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