Headline of the Day

We learned last week that (a) Hillary Clinton approved of faking a Russia-Trump scandal to detract from her unsecured server; (b) that then–CIA director John Brennan briefed Obama and intelligence officials about the plan; and (c) that intelligence officials sent a memo to Peter Strzok tell him of Hillary’s plan.

The actual documents were made available on Tuesday.  They revealed that Obama knew almost from the beginning that “Russian collusion” was a hoax, while the media’s current cover-up of the newly released documents shows that the Russia hoax will live forever in their reporting.

Brennan’s July 2016 notes of his meeting with Obama and other national security advisers are almost entirely blacked out.  What remains, though, establishes that Obama knew as of July that Hillary intended to fake collusion between Trump and the Russians:

We’re getting additional insight into Russian activities from [redacted].

Cite [?] alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on 28 July of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services.

In the same notes, Brennan wrote 14 bullet point items, only one of which is unredacted.  It states, “Any evidence of collaboration between Trump campaign and Russian.”  That language may or may not be related to the initials “POTUS” that appear one line above in the margin.

The other initials in the margin are JC (James Comey?), Denis (McDonough?), and Susan (Rice?).

A subsequent September 2016 memo from the White House’s security officials to Peter Strzok addresses the already existing Crossfire Hurricane investigation.  The relevant, unredacted information states:


(Excerpt) Read more at:
