Headline of the Day

Now here’s some old-school shoe leather investigative reporting the New York Times probably didn’t anticipate after it published its stolen-documents expose about President Trump’s bad, bad, tax returns, coming from the green-eyeshade mavens at its tiny rival, the New York Sun.

In Ira Stoll’s report, headlined “Guess How the Times Knows So Much About Tax Losses Trump Uses,” the Times is exposed for doing the exact same things that President Trump did on his taxes, in a report that leaves it its piety in smoking ruins. Hypocrite much?

The brilliant piece begins with:

The New York Times’ investigation of President Trump says the president used big tax losses in some years to avoid paying taxes in others, that he invested some of his profits into money-losing businesses, and that Mr. Trump paid his daughter as “a way to transfer assets to his children.”


In addition, it says that Mr. Trump’s businesses are propped up by foreign revenue and that Mr. Trump “has written off as business expenses costs — including fuel and meals — associated with his aircraft, used to shuttle him among his various homes and properties.”


The Times ought to know — because the New York Times Company and the Ochs-Sulzberger family that control it have done the same things.


What follows is a brutal takedown of classic Grade-A media hypocrisy, in what was obviously some research done for years, a careful reading of the tiny line items of the Times’ tax returns showing that they were doing the exact same things Trump does. It’s a heck of a damning report.


It was done by someone who knows hell-all about tax returns, and writes so crisply and clearly that even a layman can understand it.



(Excerpt) Read more at:
