Headline of the Day

The Democrats don’t have to cheat in the casting of ballots. They simply don’t have to count the ballots at all. It’s quite clever, and Professor Tribe, along with the U.S. Postal Service, provided the roadmap.

Democrats will push mail-in ballots, for voter safety, they say — as in it’s safe to attend John Lewis’s funeral without distancing, but try that for your own family member’s funeral. The media will fan the flames with exaggerated case counts and deaths. Democrat governors will keep their subjects in fear with increasing mandates – masks, face shields, school and business shutdowns — such that everyone is afraid to leave his house for anything, including voting.

The Postal Service will conveniently shut down, unable to deliver the ballots. If some post offices remain open, they will misplace or lose ballots. If ballots cannot be delivered, they cannot be counted. The election will not be decided, not on election night, not the next day, next week, next month.

It will be a repeat of Al Gore’s hanging chad story, with lawsuits and Soros-funded state and county officials unwilling to certify any election results. Democrats have been preparing for this scenario.

CNN reported, “Joe Biden’s campaign is assembling hundreds of lawyers nationwide to monitor potential voting issues as part of its extensive voter protection efforts heading into the general election.”

There will be mass chaos and confusion. The virus will be long forgotten, and the new narrative will be that there is no way to declare a winner as too many ballots were lost and unable to be counted.

Enter Professor Tribe’s prediction. Section 3 of the 20th Amendment.

(Excerpt) Read more at:
