“We are thankful that he (Fidel Castro) provided a space where the traditional spiritual work of African people could flourish,” reads the eulogy from the U.S.-based Black Lives Matter for the top jailer and torturer of black political prisoners in the Western Hemisphere whose lifelong obsession was the destruction of the U.S. “As Fidel ascends to the realm of the ancestors, we summon his guidance, strength, and power as we recommit ourselves to the struggle for universal freedom. Fidel Vive!”
“You’re from South Carolina, good!” whooped an agent of Castro and Che Guevara’s July 26th Movement who in 1958 was signing up an American volunteer named Neil Macaulay (later a professor Emeritus) for the KGB-mentored terror group. “I really like your treatment of negroes up there in the American south!” gushed Castro and Che’s recruiter. “ Down here in Cuba all negroes are Batistianos (supporters of Fulgencio Batista, the black Cuban leader Castro, and Che overthrew) and marijuaneros,” (marijuana smokers, dope-fiends.)
“The first firing squad victim was a tall handsome mulatto,” a beaming Professor Neil Macaulay later wrote in his memoirs. “He stood blindfolded before the paredon (firing squad wall), his hands bound in front of him. “Muchachos,” he said calmly, “The only crime you are going to commit is to kill me, because I am innocent.”
“I stepped into the field,” continues the obviously proud Macaulay, “and shouted: “Ready!..Aim!–FIRE!”…the negro went down and I went up to him immediately, commanding the firing squad to order arms as I walked. There were bullet holes in his shirt and he seemed dead, but I wasted no time in putting the automatic to his head and pulled the trigger. It made a neat round hole.”
“Next to die was another negro who was hauled kicking and screaming to the paredon,” continues an obviously gloating Macauley in his memoirs. “I told the jailers to throw him up against the wall and get out of the way…the condemned negro froze in terror when he saw his executioners arrayed before him.
“READY!” My command jolted him out of his trance.
“NO!–NO!” he cried, and tried to climb the wall.
“NO!” he yelled while trying to hide behind one of the execution stakes, but the gun muzzles tracked him relentlessly.
“FIRE!” I yelled,” continues an obviously beaming Macaulay in his memoirs. “The negro turned his head and ducked just as the guns went off. Most of the bullets struck him in profile, tearing his nose, lips, chin and most of his cheeks. His face was transformed into a raw, red mass of flesh and bone that contrasted sharply to the smooth black skin bordering it. He lay on his back with what was left of his face turned to the firing squad. Anyone that hideously blasted, I thought, had to be dead…”Well,” I commented to the firing squad, “it is not necessary to give to give him the tiro de gracia.” (coup de grace)
“Yes, Americano!” shouted one of my men. “He still lives! Give him the shot!” His arms and legs were twitching. His movement ceased only when a bullet from my pistol entered his skull,” further gloats Macaulay.
The above comes from University of Florida Professor Emeritus Neill Macaulay’s memoirs titled,A Rebel in Cuba, published in 1970. The judicial process these black Cubans had undergone was best described by Fidel and Che themselves:
“Judicial evidence is an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution, We execute from revolutionary conviction.” (Che Guevara, Feb. 1959)
“Legal proof is impossible to obtain against war criminals. So we sentence them based on moral conviction.” (Fidel Castro Feb. 1959)
“The whole procedure was sickening,” wrote New York Times (no less!) correspondent, Ruby Hart Phillips, about a trial she attended in Havana in early 1959. “The defense attorney made absolutely no defense, instead he apologized to the court for defending the prisoner.”
Edwin Tetlow, a Havana correspondent for London’s Daily Telegraph, wrote about a “trial” by Che Guevara’s judicial dream – a team where he noticed the dozens of death sentences posted on a board – before the trial had started.
Future professor Emeritus Neil Macaulay who gleefully carried out these death sentences continues gloating in his memoirs:
“Escalona (a communist commander later notorious for exterminating rural Cuban rebels with Soviet arms and officers) introduced me to Fidel as “the man who is training the firing squads.” Fidel threw his head back and roared with laughter. As I stretched out my hand, he grabbed me by my shoulders and gave me a bear hug. Everybody was happy. At the University (of Havana) he was known as Greaseball. To me, however, he (Fidel) was very attractive.”
This attraction probably grew when Fidel Castro gifted Yankee executioner Neill Macaulay with property stolen from rightful Cuban owners under penalty of firing squad and torture chamber. More from professor Macaulay’s book:
“Fidel says to give the Americano what he wants. So I selected a plot of about sixty-five acres from an immense plantation that had been jointly owned by some friends of Batista. The INRA (Che Guevara’s Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria) gave me virtually unlimited credit…there was no house on my land so I chose as a residence the former country home of Pepe Fraga, Batista’s former chief of parking meters in Havana. Late in July my wife and infant son joined me there.”
Let’s step back for a second and try to wrap our heads around these astounding crimes: An American mercenary joins Castro and Che Guevara’s KGB-mentored criminal band, executes (murders, actually) Cubans without trial, steals the property of Cubans at gunpoint. Then he serves for decades as Professor Emeritus of Latin American Studies at the University of Florida, apparently with nobody batting an eye!
The University of Florida is a state college, so there’s a good chance his salary was paid partly by his victims’ families. And again apparently nobody bats an eye!
Upon Macaulay’s death in 2007 (some suspect by suicide) leftist professor and documentarian Glenn Gebhard wrote: “He (Macaulay) was not a socialist or a communist, and he left (Cuba) after he realized he couldn’t make a living…He was a man of action and really smart.”
Does that somehow exonerate him? Che Guevara, whatever else we can say about him, seemed to actually believe in the communist holy book. Macaulay apparently murdered Cubans for fun and profit.
In the early 1960s, South Carolinian Neill Macaulay briefly lost his US citizenship for serving in a foreign nation’s military. Then “family friend” Strom Thurmond pulled some strings to get it back. In brief: a “good ‘ole southern boy” boasts of murdering “Negroes” as a mercenary. Then among the nation’s most prominent segregationists of the time (Strom Thurmond) retrieves his U.S. citizenship. Then a southern institute of higher learning hires and honors him!
And not one liberal peep in protest! Who but a gleeful servant (as murderer/lyncher) of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara could possibly get away with something like this in the eyes of the U.S. media and academia?
(Some of the Macaulay-type lynchings in Cuba were lovingly filmed (ISIS-style) by the heroes of Black Lives Matter. Warning, graphic!)