Every time you think they can’t get any more depraved, demented and despicable, the Democrat Party leaders go and prove you wrong. – Last night, in I guess an effort to show solidarity with a handful of radical activists from the American Indian community, the official Twitter feed of the Democrat Party – @TheDemocrats – did this:
First, let’s look at the claims in that tweet: They are all completely false. The Trump Administration has made no effort to limit voting rights for Native Americans, and has gone to heroic lengths to ensure their communities have had access to the same medical relief related to COVID-19 that every other American has received. Those are simply despicable lies spread by activists who can never be satisfied, much of whose anger stems from President Trump’s refusal to continue Obama’s patently illegal blocking of the Dakota Access Pipeline, which he allowed to be completed in 2017.
From the piece at the Guardian, here is what one activist says about Mount Rushmore and “white supremacy”:
“Mount Rushmore is a symbol of white supremacy, of structural racism that’s still alive and well in society today,” said Nick Tilsen, a member of the Oglala Lakota tribe and the president of a local activist organization called NDN Collective.
“It’s an injustice to actively steal indigenous people’s land then carve the white faces of the conquerors who committed genocide.”
While some activists, like Tilsen, want to see the monument removed altogether and the Black Hills region returned to the Lakota, others have called for a share in the economic benefits from the region and the tourists it attracts.
No question, the U.S. government in the 18th and 19th centuries – and even in the early 20th century – committed heinous acts against Indian populations in America. But the Mount Rushmore monument is now a national park and has been for many decades. The federal government has an absolute right to hold a fireworks display in a national park if it chooses to do so. Many Democrat presidents of the past have done exactly that.
My favorite part of the Guardian story is that it repeats the specious and unfounded claim that Mount Rushmore’s initial sculptor, Gutzon Borglum, was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. If that were true – and there is no proof that it is – that would mean that there is about a 99.9% chance that Borglum was in fact a Democrat, given that the KKK was nothing other than the military wing of the Democrat Party.
The Guardian is so journalistically depraved and careless that it also includes the almost certainly false claim that Teddy Roosevelt once said that, “I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of every 10 are.” That claim is like a typical article in the New York Times – based on complete hearsay with no real supporting evidence.
The Democrats have since deleted that tweet, which seems odd, because doing that would almost display a sense of shame and self-awareness, which we all know are not a part of the makeup of any leading Democrat these days. Plus, the taking-down of the tweet happened too quickly for the party to have taken a poll to gauge the public response to it, which is how the Party makes pretty much any decision. So, it’s hard to explain.
In any event, it is now a thing that, to be a member in good standing of the Democrat Party, one must oppose July 4 celebrations and presumably view the literal founding day of our nation, the seminal event that created what has become the greatest nation in human history, as nothing more than a “white supremacist” event.
All you Democrat voters out there must be so darn proud to support this stuff.