Headline of the Day

Explosive documents just released in the court case against General Michael Flynn show that it was Joe Biden who suggested they set up the three star general to get him fired or worse from the Trump Administration.

The latest jaw dropping documents, reportedly part of the case, show a hand written note by notorious former FBI investigator Peter Strzok whose meeting notes from January 4, 2017 showed three explosive points:

1. Joe Biden suggested the Obama Administration get Flynn on the pretext of the Logan Act
2. Former President Obama ordered that “the right people” be put on the case of General Flynn
3. Former FBI Chief Jim Comey said Flynn’s discussions with the Russian Ambassador “appear legit.”

The next day, on January 5th, President Obama, Biden, former National Security Adviser Susan Rice clued-in Acting Attorney General Sally Yates to the plan.

‘Joe Biden Caught Red Handed’

Donald Trump, Jr. blasted on Twitter that the Strzok note showed Biden was “caught red-handed.”

BREAKING: @JoeBiden caught red-handed setting up @GenFlynn. He suggested using the Logan Act.
Comey said Flynn’s calls with Kislyak “appear legit.”
Biden & Obama tried subverting democracy/peaceful transition of power to destroy him & compromise the Trump admin!


(Excerpt) Read more at:
